Pro View: Rioting Is Fucking Based and Marx Would Be Proud

Recently, I admitted to being a communist infiltrator within the federal government. I made this shocking revelation on one of the greatest channels to ever grace Twitch’s rather pathetic existence, Bastiat‘s. His response simply stated that he had talked to other Twitch streamers and they claimed that there would be no revolution. Perhaps he spoke with them pre-pandemic, prior to the murders of Ahmaud Arbury and George Floyd. Names that Bastiat probably doesn’t know living in his Ivory Tower in a gated community in Florida.
The conditions were already ripe for revolution from the pandemic. Massive levels of unemployment, rent and debt piling up, and not even financial relief to make a difference. Now add into the mix anger over the murder of George Floyd and you get a Target looted and burned to the ground. But what was done with the stolen items from that Target? Well some of the stolen goods ended up at a location to aid in the protest. Here’s the tweet:
This thoughtfulness and organization is encouraging. What was also encouraging was what happened the following night. Protesters managed to get the police in Minneapolis to leave the area, which allowed them to eventually get to the 3rd police precinct to loot it and then burn it to the ground. What was done with these supplies? Well, I hypothesize some weapons and combat supplies may have been taken to a central location just like the Target goods were, possibly the same location but probably not. If the protests get worse, this could evolve into some form of a protracted people’s war. People will likely fight a protracted people’s war with the weapons and employ guerrilla tactics to take over the entire United States government. Hit and run style attacks by people who will blend into the crowds of protesters might take place. People might also try to attack the National Guard and police and then retreat. They will likely have the people on their side who will aid their cause.
This might just be a ragtag group of people sick and tired of their government. It might also be some very well-informed revolutionaries doing the terror and making no excuses for it. This quote by Marx was seen on a wall in Minneapolis during the protests:
It may fizzle out in a few days, or it might turn into something bigger, but the fact that stores and police stations were burned to the ground may remain in peoples’ minds for a while and act as an encouraging reminder of what is possible when people come together. We’ll have to just wait and see.