Delusional Unemployed Stoner Thinks You Need $20M To Retire

If you need more proof that Twitch lefties are out of touch with reality and have no idea what living in the real world is like, look no further than Jason Society’s livestream. Great friend of BNN “surnous” got into a highly intellectual debate over safe withdrawal rates and investing with a bunch of communists on discord. Surnous took the bold position that $5 million is a lot of money and more than enough to retire with, to which Jason replied that he’d need $20 million.

What societal change does Jason think he’s going to enact or help enact with twenty mil? Fixing climate change? Police reform? An armed violent revolution? Surnous commented that if you think about it maybe Jason is right…

There is no doubt that Jason Society is one of the dumbest people on Twitch. But we have to remember that most lefties have no grounding in reality and probably think something similar to Jason. Lefties and Twitch streamers in general waste tons of money on OnlyFans subs, deepfake porn, and food deliveries. It’s beyond gross and their wasteful use of money and lack of understanding of basic personal finance leads any sane, rational, moral person to determine that we need to fully gut the welfare state.