Reader Letter: On The Recent “Trans Violence”

What follows is a letter from the one and only Lisaisablogger. The views expressed below are hers and hers alone. Her letter has only been slightly edited for sensitivity and politeness (exchanging “tranny/trannies” for “trans/transgenders.”
Dear BNN, It was a sad state of affairs when a transgender, pumped up on testosterone and hate, killed six innocent souls in TN. When the police shot Aiden, or Audrey, or whatever his/her name is, the nation sighed in collective relief.
I’ve seen many news articles call this person by his/ her birth name and wonder if it’s polite to living trannies who may be packing heat (calling dead transgenders by their dead names really pisses off live ones ).
Women by nature aren’t the vicious killers that men are. This is why you don’t see a shemale shooting up your neighborhood Piggly Wiggly. The mitigating salvo is that troons are pumped up on estrogen while he/hims are popping testosterone like Pez.
Are all transgenders to blame for one going postal? No. Was Aiden’s ’emotional disorder,’ autism, or the Christians making him wear a skirt to blame? No. I blame testosterone. Ergo, I blame males who produce the disgusting hormone in masse. Aiden was the victim of literal toxic masculinity, too much testosterone.
Even though the female transgender down the street probably carries a Glock and knows how to use it, will she? Not likely. Estrogen is peace. What do all school shooters have in common?: TESTOSTERONE. The world would be a nicer place if all males beginning at puberty were given estrogen or castrated. I’m all for the transgenders and the queers except for the uber masculine ones and a few annoying bull dykes. I am a proud MTMERF, a Male Trans Male Exclusionary Radical Feminist. I feel better now that I have come out. Keep up the good work, BNN!