A Guide To Celebrating White History Month

After a long and challenging Pride Month we are finally into one of the best months of the year: White History Month. Founded by Jesse Lee Peterson a few years ago, White History Month (WHM) is a much-needed celebration of the people who have done the most not only for America, but for the planet. White people and white-passing Asians scored a major win last week when the racially diverse Supreme Court overturned Affirmative Action, a racist policy meant to belittle blacks and oppress whites. There is still much work to be done, here is a quick list of actions you can take to celebrate white people and push The Agenda forward.
- Be a good neighbor. One of the greatest white people of all time despite being a queer, Mr. Rogers attempted to instill in young children basic social skills and respect. Given what is happening in the inner cities and non-white majority controlled neighborhoods, we could all act a bit more like Mr. Rogers these days.
- Do a little grillin’. Break out the wife-beater and the bbq sauce, its time to grill some meats, crack open a cold beer, and enjoy everything God has given us.
- Register to vote. And vote Republican. You are a race traitor if you are white and vote for Democrats, that party of racism.
- Honor our Founding Fathers. Yes, some of them owned slaves. So fucking what. Read the Jefferson-Adams letters, read Madison, learn from the greatest Whites of all-time.
- Back the Blue. Police are friends of White people unless you are poor. And if you are poor you are not a good White anyway. Support our police friends and if you are a poor White get on the Sigma Grind and live up to your genetic potential.
WHM is a busy time of year and to be fully transparent its hard to do everything one must do to celebrate White People in a single month. White people have accomplished so much that we should celebrate them full-time but especially during July. If we help uplift and encourage our White brothers and sisters we will all be better off as they carry us to a better life tomorrow.