Plumpy Political Streamer Stardust Threatens To Harm Viewers

Stardust’s return to streaming has been boring and uneventful as she has struggled to produce decent content, which to be fair, has been her problem since day one. She recently took a month-long break to check on her family’s scam call centers in India and to pledge support to a Hindu-nationalist organization operating primarily in the Kashmir region. In an attempt to boost her numbers, Stardust took money from Brianna Wu, a political hack with ties to dirty money used to put on panels on Twitch.
Snakedust became increasingly frustrated throughout the panel as she is very poor and no one seems to donate or sub to her channel. At the peak of her frustration, she went full retard and threatened to mug her viewers and rape their families. The deranged rant can be seen below.
BNN has already reported Stardust to Twitch, the FBI, and ICE. We encourage all of our dedicated readers to do the same. It is time that we help Stardust realize that she cannot make it as a streamer and she needs to grow up and get a real job. A couple of FBI agents knocking at her door might just be the motivation that she needs.