Melina Leaves Destiny For Suicidal Femboy

As doomed to fail as the Brittney Spears-Jason Alexander marriage, but lasting nearly 400 times longer, Destiny’s marriage to Swedish spinner Melina Goransson is ending. Rumours have been flying all over the internet for days as Destiny’s obsessed viewers tried to figure out what the next drama is. At last, Destiny ended all speculation and announced that he lost Melina similar to how he stole her initially.

No one was more elated by this news than the fat stoner cunt Kaceytron, who tweeted that she is legitimately happy for Melina. Kacey is perhaps the only female streamer Destiny refused to fuck which is why she hates him to her flabby core. Many others took the opportunity to ridicule Destiny and the concept of open marriages altogether. Destiny decided to fully embrace his new role of cuck and state that anyone who speaks ill of Melina would be banned.

Thankfully Destiny has a long list of vulnerable women to fuck to help him cope with this loss. One is hopeful that he will stream more of his sex tourism trips like the one he took to fuck Sushia years ago. Maybe he can make amends with Chaeiry and implant her with a new child. And as for Melina, now that her gravy train is off the rails, the coomer is all of us is hoping she has to produce more and more explicit lewds to get by.
Threatening suicide works every time. Fellas, if your dame is out of control this is a tactic you should always have in your back pocket!