Reader Letter: Biden’s Speech Leaves Sour Taste

I went into work today and an immigrant coworker came up to me and asked why Biden was screaming about illegals last night. “I thought republicans were the ones who hated us. I didn’t realize Biden does too, I don’t feel like I belong in this country anymore”. We both cried.
For a president that campaigned on a return to normalcy and unity, Joe Biden’s state of the union address left a bad taste in my mouth. From the hysteric ranting to the slurred and stuttered speech, we caught a glimpse of how black his heart really is. The thoughtful, welcoming Biden I once knew was injected a cocktail of uppers that had him screaming and taunting the lawmakers in attendance like a WWE event.
As a supporter of Biden during the 2024 primaries, I was frankly embarrassed. I had voted for a man who promised to bring us together, instead he attacked over half of the country. I have family who vote republican and everyday the rift grows. Record inflation, high crime, and a crisis at our border are destroying our country and after giving Biden a fair 4 years to turn things around, they have started blaming me and my vote. Tonight’s speech left me ashamed and wondering if they have a point.