Joe Biden’s Nasty & Divisive State of the Union Address Cements His Own Fate

Joseph Biden addressed the nation last night didn’t do his campaign any favors. The plan was clearly to paint Trump as an incompetent power-hungry dictator, someone wholly disinterested in governing and the people. At one point Biden said that this moment in American history is the most threatened our democracy has been since President Lincoln and the Civil War.
Biden’s delusions extend outside of America’s borders where he outlined his intentions to waste more money in Ukraine. Even more disturbing is his plan to establish “temporary pier” to Gaza through which even more aid can be delivered to a population of terrorists and their supporters. Biden’s aid has already killed five Gazan’s as reported by the BBC.
In a desperate attempt to pay for all of this unneeded spending and address growing concerns among the middle class, Biden also unveiled numerous plans to give tax credits to home-buyers and sellers, and of course increase taxes. Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, which has already increased inflation drastically in the utility industry, is the perfect example of how Biden’s policies are crushing the average American while his administration claims to be helping.
A second Joe Biden term will cripple America. We cannot allow this to happen. While Trump is not the ideal Republican candidate we need to show him as much support as we can. When Biden loses in November there is no doubt he will employ the Katie Porter strategy of saying the election was rigged. We must defeat Biden with overwhelming numbers. Trump 2024 and more!
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