The Greatest Debate of the Century: Jew-Hater Finkelstein vs. Mr. Borelli

Great friend of BNN Steven Bonnell II finally managed to trap Norman Finkelstein in a room and “debate” him. The debate occurred on the Lex Fridman show and released two days ago. Two terrorist sympathizers squared off against an underdressed Destiny and Benny Morris, a prominent IDF apologist. Norman, an alleged Jew from New York, kicked off the debate with a residentSleeper introduction that lasted fifty bajillion minutes and felt twice as long due to his slow and annoying speaking cadence.
Dr. Fink would later explain that he speaks like a retard because “words have meaning” and by speaking slowly he is putting extra emphasis and value on the spoken word. He also claimed to have read everything Benny Morris wrote “at least three times.” During a heated back and forth with Mr. Donatelli, Funkelstein pulled a weird President Sunday-esque flex and bragged that between his terrorist partner and Morris they’ve read 10,000+ books whereas Mr. Banalli could only manage to read two Wikipedia pages. Flinkostein’s frustrations peaked when he lost his temper and called Destiny a “fantastic moron.”

The entire debate lasted a painful five hours during which Merman Finkelstein constantly wrongly explained the history, misquoted Morris, and generally spoke like the smug cunt that all Israel haters seem to be. For his part, Destiny did a pretty decent job and there were a few moments when Morris backed up Destiny against attacks from Dr. Frankenstein.
A day after the debate, Destiny exposed Nutjob Norman as being an asshole racist neighbor who threatened to call immigration and the police on his upstairs neighbors. Norman wrote a few pretty disgusting letters and took the young non-white couple to court where the case was eventually settled and dismissed. The full court record can be found here.
All this goes to show us is that people who are against Israel are all disgusting human beings, terrorist sympathizers (if not actual terrorists), and racists. Biden needs to stop waffling about red lines and let BB kill every terrorist. We also need to stop dropping aid for the terrorists and their people. Every death in Gaza can be rightly blamed on Hamas. When Trump is reelected we might finally get another Muslim ban and can start deporting these crazy anti-West retards.