Foodshops Arrested, Authorities Discover Over 18,000 Images of Child Porn In Her Possession

A little-known Asian-presenting pedophile has been taken off the streets tonight. D-tier streamer Foodshops, sometimes called Foodstamps, was brought to The Clink shortly after authorities executed a search warrant at her apartment and uncovered over 18,000 images of child pornography. This should come as a surprise to no one as Foodshops turned herself into a lolcow for constantly defending her attraction to minors on stream. Morbidly obese drama streamer Tipster produced an excellent documentary on her demented past which can be viewed below.
Streamer Rezzivaer once asked Foodshops “you are attracted to children, right?” Foodshops paused for nearly ten seconds before muttering “I’m trying to think.” She has spent hundreds of hours on stream drawing Pisco-esque MS Paint diagrams to justify her perversions. It has been reported that she is being held on a $250,000 bond and is on suicide watch. Please check back with BNN as this story develops.