BNN Calls Election For Donald Trump

We’ve seen enough. Donald Trump has easily and decisively won the 2024 election. In what should be a surprise to no one with a functioning brain, Trump massively overperformed all polls (Selzer is on suicide watch). Allan Licthman is going to wipe his pathetic presence off of the internet. The keys have failed. Wokeness has failed. The American people have decided that once again we need a champion of the people, for the people, and by the people.
Kamala’s retarded attempt to move to the center on key issues such as the economy and immigration fooled not a single soul. In many states and Trump did better with women against Copmala than he did against Biden four short years ago. So much for abortion voters carrying the night.
We have lots to look forward to: massive tariffs, world peace, and deportation of illegal criminal immigrants who are causing havoc in American cities. Expect stocks to soar. Expect the price of eggs, gas, and milk, to go back to normal. Expect Democrats to learn nothing from this loss. Pray for our new President-elect, may God guide him in his second term!
God Bless,