Corrupt Biden Betrays Public Trust & Pardons Criminal Son

Joseph Biden cemented his legacy as one of the worst Presidents that this country has ever had. Breaking a promise that he has repeated many time, Joe pardoned his drug-addicted escort-abusing son Hunter. Democrats seemed split on the issue, many saying that Biden should go even further and pardon Hillary Clinton and Ghislaine Maxwell. Others, like Pisco95 correctly pointed out that Biden has failed in his mission to “restore the soul of America.”

Necrophilia supporter Lactoid surprisingly took the side of Joe Biden and said that everyone with “bullshit, anti-originalist, unconstitutional offences” should be pardoned as well.

Wherever you land on the issue itself one thing is clear: Biden lied. And this lie has revealed to even more people the truth that so many voters knew in November. Democrats do not have the moral high ground no matter how often and how loudly they yell at you.
The game is over for Democrats and their party, if they fail to cull nearly all existing members Republican rule will be long, and fortunately for the good American people, very prosperous.