Stardust Offended That Destiny Has Fucked Everyone But Her

Sources close to the failing 39-year old “streamer” Stardust are reporting that she is having a mental breakdown. Snakedust is allegedly upset that Destiny has tried to fuck nearly every single one of his male and female orbiters other than her. She recently tried to spin this unsurprising fact as a defense of Destiny’s behaviour, telling Lav that Destiny has never approached her in a creepy way despite her wanting him to deep down. Exception proves the rule.

Who would have thought that Destiny doesn’t want to sleep with a woman who looks like a bowling ball? Lav absolutely destroys Stardust and Zonia on this issue proving she was right all along. Stardust’s claim that Erudite hasn’t been fucked by Destiny’s deformed dick is also almost certainly false.
Snakedust is under immense stress at the moment and one has to wonder why she is focusing on this issue unless she really wants to curry favor with Destiny in order to sleep with him finally. With the Trump administration set to take over her job as an abortion expert is at risk. She may be facing deportation as well. BNN urges Stardust to take a hint, he doesn’t want to fuck you.