Pxie Goes From Sucking To Suing, Destiny Issues Awful Apology

Bastiat News Network favorite Pxie announced yesterday that she is suing Destiny in federal court. Pxie, who is the victim of revenge porn, has openly talked about her struggles with suicidal ideation after abuse suffered from Destiny. After the sex tape of Pxie giving Destiny an awful blowjob leaked a couple of months ago, she initially attempted to avoid talking about it publicly and hoped it would blow over. Destiny’s sex handler Kyla Turner (Notsoerudite) constantly checked in with victims in order to damage control the situation.

Thankfully, Pxie refused to kill herself (as of the time of this writing). Instead, she has decided to raise money through Lauren Delaguna and sue Destiny in federal court. Destiny later issued a retarded statement on Reddit that made him look even worse than he did before the statement.

Destiny’s orbiters mostly denounced him and his actions. However, some held the line. Pisco95, a wealthy big law attorney, said on the residentsleeper podcast Lib & Learn that Steven is his friend and since he is a lawyer he cannot comment. But he said Pxie also seemed nice. So there is that.
Perhaps the final nail in the coffin came from Chaeiry, a mentally ill black-presenting woman who also slept with Destiny, and sabotaged her own marriage to do so.

Pxie posted yet another update this morning claiming that countless women have come forward and told her that Destiny has shared pornographic content with them, much of which was shared without consent.

A little victim blaming is in order here. What did these retarded women think when they got into bed with Destiny? Why did they agree to be recorded at all? What in Destiny’s past or his character made them so comfortable with any of this? And perhaps most importantly, if Pxie’s latest claim of countless more women coming forward is true, why didn’t someone speak up earlier?
BNN has donated $100 to Pxie’s legal fund and we encourage all of our readers to donate what they can. May this be the end of the sex pest known as Destiny. Destiny should be castrated and forced to wear a forehead tattoo that reads “I record and distributed amateur pornography without consent.” Prayers for all of victims.
Relevant Links
Pxie’s substack announcing her lawsuit
Pxie’s original Tweet
Chaiery Tweet announcing she is a victim
Pxie Tweet sharing that multiple more women have come forward
Pxie’s fundraiser for legal expenses
Destiny’s retarded apology on Reddit
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