Giant Obese Pissbaby Admiral Gibbs Cries Before Rematch With Pisco95

The incredibly large and disgusting Admiral Gibbs is incredibly stressed mere hours before another debate against Pisco95 on WhickTV’s dying channel. Gibbs is the one Conservative you find on almost all of these panel shows and perhaps is responsible for the stark decline in viewership of these types of shows in recent years. One thing that hasn’t decline in years is his weight. Gibbs-adjacent streamer Lactoid, who believes that having sex with corpses is moral, often defends Gibbs when he isn’t even around, saying once in the Pisscord Voice Chat that Gibbs “has the highest social IQ of anyone he knows” and that he “pulls 10’s left and right.”
Today, a BNN informant by the name of Ellen Degenerate challenged Gibbs’ claim that he previously embarrassed Pisco on a stream.

Instead of linking to the concrete proof of him destroying Pisco, Gibbs typed a whole lot of cope crying about how he’s too busy preparing for his snoozer panel appearances and an upcoming IRL stream that might attract fifteen unique viewers. BNN medical correspondent GusLovesDogs informed us that this could have been a blind rage fueled by dangerously high levels of sugar in Gibbs’ blood. Gus speculated that The Admiral suffers from mood swings and internet outbursts primarily due to his poor diet and lack of exercise.

BNN is hopeful that our new Secretary of Health and Human Services will send Gibbs to a Fat Camp similar to the one seen in the Disney classic Heavyweights. The forced vacation will be good for his health and the mental well-being of the brave few who are still consuming Twitch panels in 2025.