Extremely White Sondsol Defends Racist Police & The Patriarchy

Failed Destiny clone Sondsol tried to play holier-than-thou on Twitter by calling out people who were upset by the brutal killing of Tyre Nichols. Sondsol, a middle-aged cuckold from Kansas who lives with his gf and his gf’s bull, was extremely upset that deranged Twitter lefties want to fix systemic policing issues. Sondsol took the Twitter drama onto his livestream where he debated a bunch of nobodies (I’m sure he thought he won). Eventually, he ended up debating the OG Twitch politics N-word panel host himself, Mindwaves.

Mindwaves, a former amateur skater turned failed streamer, made Sondsol “almost kill myself in my sea videogame.” Most of the debate centered on “rhetoric” and weird tone-policing nonsense. The combined forty viewer audience eventually got bored and opened a second tab to watch deepfake pornography of Maya Higa.
In the end, Mindwaves asked Sondsol to delete his Twitter and spend four days in Harlem to better understand why black people hate the police. Sondsol is asking his gf’s bull for a permission slip and will update his massive Twitter following on the status of his trip as soon as he can.