Women Shocked That Men Masturbate To Their Images

Earlier this week a married white male streamer named Atrioc accidentally exposed himself as a man who masturbates on occasion. Oh my! But no, these were not normal masturbation sessions, this disgusting pig was masturbating to deepfake porn of Pokimane and other popular streamers. Thousands of teenagers who regularly masturbate to normal stream content were shocked that a married man would do such a thing. After another teary fake apology video the real debate began. Is this legal? Is this moral? Is this digital rape?
MayaHiga and QTCinderella seemed to be the most upset with Maya comparing this event to a sexual assault she experienced earlier and life and QT threatening to sue the website that hosted the deepfake AI porn.
Did all of these women only realize today that a healthy portion of their audience is watching them because they are attracted to them? I would not be surprised if thirty percent of Pokimane’s audience masturbates to images of her on a weekly basis. Since when can people not comment “…on the sexualization…” of someone’s body? Why does consent enter into this? Is the solution to lock up people who fantasize about others without explicit consent?
I’ve seen people say that the root of the problem is the creation of the content in the first place. They are probably right in a legal sense. I doubt that the people making this deepfake porn are securing the rights to use the original content that they are blending other people’s likeness into. It is rumored that Pisco95 has been retained by The League of Female Streamers Against Digital Rape and will be filing dozens of lawsuits and running up quite the tab.
I hope whatever legal action is taken that we can finally end the vile, cruel, and rapey act of men masturbating to images of women they are attracted to. Engaging in such disgusting fantasies is unproductive and ungodly. Why masturbate to images of your favorite streamers when you can donate your money to them and take one step closer to getting into a real relationship?