Reader Letter: I’m A Fan Of Gooning And I’m Tired of Being Embarrassed By It

I accidentally stumbled into a gooning server four, maybe five, months into the Wuhan Bat Flu pandemic. For the pure of mind, gooning is intense group masturbation primarily among males, in a group setting like discord. To be completely honest I was avoiding school work and spending most of my time playing video games and watching TikTok. One day I joined a random discord server and hopped into voice chat in an attempt to cure my perpetual boredom.
At first I wasn’t sure what I was hearing. No one was streaming. No one was talking. There were subtle soft moans, sometimes too soft to pick up on the mic. I put it together quickly, these fellas were doing some weird group masturbation session. I quickly opened a tab to my favorite porn video and felt right at home. Who hasn’t masturbated with the boys? I’ve tried time and time again to make the Pisscord (Pisco discord) into a gooning friendly server but I’ve had no luck. I don’t kink shame others and I shouldn’t catch flak for this. Here’s to hoping that 2023 is the year we accept gooning and the gooners who goon.