Editor’s Note: What follows is a letter from Lisaisablogger. I promised Lisa that I would publish her unedited words if she wanted to defend herself against the allegations of grooming (see BNN’s earlier piece on this subject).
I never groomed anyone. I contacted Brad and Chowder when I was lonely and would do things for them but I never formed a sexual bond. I admit to fantasies about GrandadChristmas and even Shaq and I didn’t know Pepper was a minor at first. I would never groom anyone I am not attracted to children. You can ask Simra, I did not have an attraction to any of the children on the Bastiat server. I would often dm and reach out to them because many of them were lonely and I was too. I would help them with things if I could. If I ever did something akin to grooming I couldn’t live with myself. When Brad told me I was being creepy I didn’t believe it at first but when I knew it was real I stopped dm’ing him.
I haven’t dm’ed any minors to my knowledge in over three weeks and I do not initiate contact. I have never looked up any minors on facebook, only people I know were of age. I am a good person despite my flaws. If I have done wrong I’m more sorry than you will ever know but I want to make children and all people feel safe.