Destiny Concerned His Audience Will Become Nazis After His Death

Steven Kenneth Bonnell the second is potentially facing an asassination attempt after making disparaging remarks about an internet gangster known as “The Telephone.” Destiny not only brought up the disputed fact that Mr. Phone got his dick sucked by a a trans woman, but he also accused Phone of living with internalized transphobia, a condition that afflicts 98% of Hogwarts Legacy players.
Many of Destiny’s viewers are praying that Mr. Phone actually has real connections to the Crips and murders Destiny, reporting that they are slowly dying watching Factorio streams and it has to end somehow. Recognizing the real possibility of staring down a gun soon, Destiny pondered the fate of his audience. Ultimately he speculated that most of them will become Nazis and replace him with Nick Fuentes. See clip below of this speculation.
Destiny has had a great run and he will be forever remembered as the man who brought us Vaush, Hasan, Mike from PA, and Demon Mama. His legacy will be one that all of his living relatives will come to regret if they do not regret it already. We are sure that Melina will land on her feet.