Reader Letter: No Surprise A Violent Black Behind MSU Shooting

What follows is a letter from Peefsmash, a well-known race realist from the Bastiat community. BNN has previously written about Peefsmash here and BNN does not endorse his views.
I’ve been trying to tell people for years how violent black people are and no one seems to listen. Many young blacks are currently becoming more and more violent each and every day in American inner cities. Part of it is their low IQ and lack of impulse control, some of it is their lack of father figures and black culture.

To be completely fair, this is not a uniquely black issue. Latinos and mixed race peoples often suffer from violent tendencies. We should not completely give up on the blacks, but for now I am not comfortable interacting with them or getting close to any blacks personally in real life. The best impact I can have is to educate them about finances and index investing so they can lift themselves out of poverty and stop resorting to theft and passing counterfeit twenties. If more people took the threat of violent blackness more seriously we could have prevented the MSU shooting.