Updated Job Posting: BNN Recruiting Slim, Somewhat Attractive Female

BNN has been forced to slightly alter the job requirements from what was listed here in our original job posting. If you fit the qualifications below, feel free to apply today!
BNN has an open position for a somewhat attractive young female. Job entails reading BNN articles live on Twitch once per week while laying in bed. Occasional baby voice can be used. Once per week, you will read all of the articles that BNN has published since the last time you did a stream.
Desired qualifications:
BMI: < 19.32
Breasts: smaller the better
Hair Color: Not brown
Voice: Irritating, with the ability to occasionally screech and talk like a baby
Age: Legal
Please submit a sample of you reading your favorite BNN article to Gohndim on discord (Gohndim#3232).