Dead At 35: BadhossSimra Remembered For The Horse Loving Man He Was

Long-time Bastiat community member (before he was banned) and top-tier Twitchpol chatter BadhossSimra expectedly passed away Thursday night from complications related to his lifelong struggle with alcohol. While Simra was quick with a happy story about the farm and a cautionary tale of inflation, he managed to hide his daily fight with alcohol quite well.
Simra lived in British Columbia, Canada his entire life. He learned a lot growing up on the farm, and regularly admitted to having accidentally eaten a cowpie or three. He loved horses, and often featured them as his pfp on discord and posted pictures of them when no one even asked him to. Simra was open about everything, a quality some came to love and others came to hate.

He had a strange obsession telling others about his tiny cock and his use of hollow strap-ons to make up for his “millimeter peter.”

Simra’s other hobbies included bragging about his net worth and reminiscing about his old chess playing days. His positive and outgoing personality allowed him to have lots of friends and even more sexual partners. The highlight of his life was flying a young girl to Paris where he took her virginity. He also once admitted to fathering a baby with a woman who lives in the United States. He would at times send them money.

Simra is survived by his loving mother, who I had the distinct pleasure of talking to on discord half a dozen times, his step father Kim, dear Uncle Warren, his grandma, and his special friend Lisaisablogger. While his body is cold and in the ground his spirit is warm and will continue to live on in the hearts and minds of every innocent chatter he came across, even the ones who blocked him. Rest in peace my dear friend.