Stardust Destroyed By Destiny Over Crowder Abuse Allegations

Resident retard and 37-year old Indian-American Stardust joined Destiny to discuss the recent Steven Crowder “abuse” video. Stardust offered her insight on abusive dynamics in relationships which comes from her years of experience being single. Destiny, always one to question allegations that only show one side of the story (see Dylan Burns attempting to destroy a black man), repeatedly said that more information comes out to determine if Steven is an abuser.
Lycan had more success than Stardust in arguing against Destiny, mostly because he can string together more than four words at a time without saying “umm” or “like.” Stardust once again pretended to be a medical professional and said that giving a dog medicine can be a strenuous activity before quickly backpedaling after even Lycan said she’s retarded.
Stardust and Lycan performed a Bayesian analysis concerning the dog medication and determined with a 98.47% probability that the specific dog medicine the Crowder dog needed is extremely toxic to women carrying twins. It there for logically follows that Steven abused his poor wife for making her give the dog medicine. Stardust summed up her own retardation by saying “I know there are a lot of assumptions, inferences we are making here.” In the end, Stardust melted down and shouted “you are a fucking retard!” Shortly thereafter Aba came in and actually provided some interested content.