Reader Letter: The Truth About Imreallyimportant

What follows is a letter from Lisaisablogger, who wrote this in an attempt to gain favor with the BNN team as she has been blocked across multiple platforms for her antics which include leaking sensitive DMs and sending creepy messages. Many will probably not believe that Lisa wrote this so I am including the DM that she sent this letter below. BNN does not endorse Lisa’s views but given that she and IRI bonded over hating BNN a week or so ago on Snakedust’s channel, we feel it is important to publish this letter.
Iri mentally fondled me through telekinesis as I apologized to him on stream. I was extremely uncomfortable. Pretty Fly for a White Guy played in my head, and I felt an existential dread as my soul withered within my chest. I admit I feel a sense of solidarity with IRI as he is the oldest human being to stream on Twitch and I am the oldest Twitch chatter/ simp. We both are old enough to remember the Reagan administration, sad but true. How was I to know as I politely talked to him that I’d get IRI cooties? My apology still stands, but I was lured by dark triad traits common in male shitlib streamers.
In shallah, Lisa

Again, BNN does not endorse what Lisa has written here. That being said, when you buddy up with IRI to attack BNN we will certainly publish a piece that drives a wedge through that alliance.