GeekWitGlassesTV Arrested On Prostitution Charges

Federal agents have finally captured the notorious sex fiend who has been spreading a new strain of chlamydia around West Virginia over the past six months. After receiving tips from random Twitch viewers who mistakenly stumbled onto Geek’s channel, agents knew that Geek was probably the person responsible for the massive increase in STDs and STIs in the poor state of West Virginia.
Geek often talked openly on stream about “smashing every 2 in West Virginia and sometimes their mothers” and has spoken as equally openly about his disdain for wearing condoms. One of the primary reasons that Geek votes democrat is because he has encouraged at least six of his conquests to get abortions. It is reported that one time he even drugged one and brought her to Planned Parenthood to have the living baby forcibly extracted against her will.
It will be some time until Geek streams again as he will be serving a mandatory ninety-day jail sentence where he can focus on improving his reading comprehension and exploring his sexuality with male inmates. A gofundme has been established for Geek’s legal expenses and zero dollars have been raised so far. Please pray for Geek, he certainly needs some heavenly help.
Geek is certainly going through hardship at the moment and I pray to our Lord he comes out a better man.