GeekWitGlassesTV Turns To Prostitution (Again) To Fund A New Computer

Unsurprisingly, Geek is on hard times again. Geek’s computer was irreparably damaged a few weeks ago when his mother accidentally spilled coffee on it when she was bringing Geek breakfast at his desk. Without a computer, Geek felt lost and hopeless so he deleted his Twitter (which he has since reactivated). He then wrote an incredibly soapy and womanly “thank you” message on his discord. Geek vowed to muster up the strength to resume streaming again to three people someday.

To make matters worse, Geek also recently had surgery. BNN was unable to verify if Geek’s story about recovering from surgery is in fact real as Geek has admitted on stream that he occasionally fakes injuries and then goes panhandling. Not that this is relevant as Geek is always begging for money. If you receive a message from this man telling you his latest sob story, block him and move on with your day.