Where The Minors From The Bastiat Grooming Server Are Today

Those of us who were part of the Bastiat server in the early days will remember the schism between the zoomers and millennials. Many zoomers on the discord felt that they were being discriminated against, in reality, most of the zoomies were just omega-retards. The war of the generations resulted in the “Children’s Solidarity Movement (CSA)” which later rebranded to the “Zoomer Solidarity Movement (ZSA).” Bastiat himself decided to step in with a bold solution: the zoomers he could tolerate were grandfathered into the server and allowed to stay, new minors were segregated to a special Children’s Only server until they became legal.
What made this solution even worse is that Warren Rhea put Lisaisablogger in charge of the server. Perhaps Bastiat was unaware of Lisa’s past, but Lisa was a fairly well-known groomer and constantly reached out to minors on discord, developing many perverse sexual fantasies about them. It was like putting an obese fox in charge of the chick house. Eventually the server was closed as many of the minors left the server due to feeling very uncomfortable. Some joined the primary discord, others disappeared. Here’s what happened some of the more popular zoomies.
- Brad/JuiceCJ: Juice was perhaps the best zoomer and survivor of Lisa’s grooming. He regularly called in to Bastiat streams and was pretty entertaining. Most will remember him for the “IRI Debacle.” In a cruel twist of fate, Juice joined the military last year and is working as an intelligence analyst on Okinawa.
- Quantitative Freezing: QF disappeared from discord after he was exposed sending creepy dms to a young Indian girl. A few people kept in touch with him IRL. QF attended college in California for a few years, graduated early, and then went into banking.
- Pooqman: Perhaps the saddest story of them all, Pooqman killed himself last October. He is not missed by anyone.
- Comrade Wave: Still working at Wendy’s and larping as a communist online. He has not finished his political science degree even after six years of “trying.”
- Howsthechowder/Chowey: Became clinically depressed after Geekwitglasses stopped streaming regularly. Is currently in his last year of high school and plans on studying journalism in college. Cites BNN as his main inspiration for life.
The future is bright for these amazing zoomers (except pooqman). Despite being groomed by Lisa and having to suffer through the death of the Bastiat community, they all have a bright future. BNN will watch their careers with great interest.