From The Archives: BNN Reader Testimonials

In the very early days of the Bastiat News Network, a certain pudgy streamer was upset about our little website. Bastiat threatened legal action (and worse) in private DMs. In an effort to convince Bastiat that BNN was a positive force in the universe, Pepper and I solicitated reviews from our loyal readers and Bastiat reviewed them on stream.
“BNN was the place I went to every day to see past the mainstream headlines and get the real stories behind the news. It’s an essential tool for any patriots arsenal in the fight against tyranny.”
-Nate Suede
“It’s PogChamp”
-Not Bololak
“There is nothing more beautiful in this world than making people laugh, and the particular edgy humor of Pepper and Gohndim is a pure delight to all those lucky enough to read it. Please, please understand Bastiat that it’s an honor that you inspires this satirical genius. I sincerely hope that you allow them to use the name Bastiat News Network.”
“Ladies and gentleman, brothers and sisters, comrades and friends: in these times there is a great hole in our public discourse. There are those who will tell you, mainly neoliberal shills & other insufferable coastal elites, that these holes are filled by the NYT & the WSJ but we all know that only truly deranged sheep will willingly pay to have DEEP STATE affirming consensus plopped onto their doorsteps every morning. Papers so great that you never know what page the front page story will be on. The great journalists of the formerly lively BNN were, shall I say without sounding fawning, truly enlightening. These journalists were the victims of an unprecedented campaign of calumny and defamation and a parallel campaign to exclude and marginalize their contributions to life, liberty, and freedom. Their books go unreviewed, their letters beset by appalling libels (often unpublished or published in a mutilated form). BNN has weathered these indignities with tremendous dignity and bearing. My BNN brethren-in-spirit, they’ve always been there for us, won’t we be there for them?”
“While I didn’t 100% agree with BNN’s tactics, their article about myself really helped me look deep inside and recognize that I had to change. I cannot thank Pepper and Gohndim enough.”
-Touring News
“The Bastiat News Network was a rip-roaring good time and the best source for news I couldn’t get anywhere else! Pepper and Gohndim did a bang up job, delivering only the highest quality content to their readers.”
“By far the best journalism I’ve ever read.”
-Juice CJ (Brad)
“The Bastiat News Network is the global standard bearer for excellence in digital journalism. I consider BNN to be the next Breitbart: a bastion of high quality, well-sourced articles that honor their rotund namesake with uninhibited truth and free market conservatism. I strongly encourage Bastiat to reconsider his position if he enjoys having a cat.”
“In a time where the relationship between the news media and the citizens of the United States is fractured at best, it made me swell with pride to see people from our own community create something that was so unbiased and fair. Not only would I consider it a shame for BNN not to be brought back to life, I would consider it a crime against humanity.”
“I depend on the Bastiat News Network to provide me with insightful, relevant content and hard-hitting
commentary. If you are looking for a fresh perspective please consider reading BNN in the future when Bastiat allows it to reopen.”
-realAltreas, philanthropist
BNN would like to kindly thank all of our supporters then and now! God bless.