BNN Stands With Pxie

Almost five years ago the Bastiat News Network was founded with the goal of bringing truth, transparency, and sanity, to online spaces like Twitch Politics. We’ve been attacked by the likes of Baela, Touring News, and sexual abuser Destiny. And we’ve continued on. Many are quick to forget how we exposed Kurt_TD, a sexual harasser hired and paid by many Twitch streamers. Many have already forgotten that in our early coverage of the Destiny leaks we pointed out that Pxie’s very life may be at risk.
Today, we are standing tall on a legacy of always being on the right side of history (we were the first news organization to call the election for Donald Trump). Pxie’s pursuit of federal charges against Destiny is the righteous path to walk. She correctly points out that unless Destiny is punished, unless he feels pain, he will not change. At the date of this publication, Destiny still seems incapable of apologizing for what he actually did wrong. The good news is that Pxie’s fundraiser for the lawsuit has reached its goal.

Almost every orbiter and collaborator has jumped off of the abuse ship. Pisco95 announced on his livestream last night that all New York City events are cancelled. The sadness and conflict could be felt with every word he uttered. But even he did the right thing which was a surprising reversal from his cowardly statement on the weekly Lib & Learn podcast on Monday. Destiny still seems intent on going down with the ship and taking people with him.

Destiny likely has a vast network of people that he’s shared illegally recorded explicit materials with, as evidenced by Chaeiry’s claims on Twitter and in the police report she has filled with the proper authorities. Reasonable estimates place the number of Destiny’s victims somewhere between the victims of Weinstein and Epstein, two names Destiny will soon be synonymous with.
There is more work to be done. BNN’s Chief Legal Officer estimates that at least $100,000 will be needed to successfully bring this case to trial. Keep donating to Pxie’s fundraiser here. BNN will also be raising money through purchases made of our merchandise. Most importantly, stay engaged on social media. Signal boost the words of the victims and hold the remaining DGG loyalists to account. Together, we can forge a better, safer, online space for politics. God bless.