IRI Once Compared Us To The Taliban…Who Runs Afghanistan Today?

During an unhinged rant on the stream immediately following the now famous Brad Debacle, Imreallyimportant compared BNN to The Taliban. IRI played the tough guy and indicated the he wasn’t afraid of BNN, despite our humble news organization merely trying to provide timely and useful information about essential Twitch politics happenings.
Well Mr. IRI, who the fuck do you think is sitting in the Presidential Palace in Kabul today? Like the Taliban, BNN is back and we are here to stay. The enemies of BNN have been numerous over the years but all have fallen victim to our accurate reporting and investigative journalism. BNN exposed Kurt for the sexual predator he is. Early on BNN also was extremely anti-Dylan Burns and while we couldn’t predict that he’d commit a public hate crime against a struggling black content creator, it certainly didn’t surprise us or our devoted readers.
The lesson is that BNN has always been a great judge of character and despite vague threats from IRI about committing violence against our founders (particularly Rareest Pepper) and beloved staff members, we will continue to provide the stories that Twitch chat needs. Buckle up folks, the real news is back.
Coming Soon: Premiering tonight is a scathing piece covering Stardust’s conversation with Vaush.
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Glad to see BNN getting back to its roots once again. Big things down the pipeline I hope!
Much appreciated Chowder. BIG things to come.
Will Afghanistan be good nor worse under Tallyban ruel? Time tells but nowone knows
Always great to hear from you Simra. Stop by the Bastiat discord sometime, we miss you.