We Are Becoming The Baela News Network!

Greetings loyal fans! Today we have an exciting announcement, BNN is staying BNN. But, instead of using Frederic Bastiat’s surname we will be replacing it with “Baela.”
Why Baela you ask? Well at the BNN Quarter 1 Board of Directors meeting we were playing an icebreaker game of scrabble and our nerdy Chief Technology Office attempted to play “B-A-E-L-A.” Apparently that is the name of some dragon-riding fantasy brother fucker from obese GRR Martin’s expanded universe but names certainly do not count in Scrabble.
We immediately terminated the idiot but its been two weeks now and we all laugh about it on our Zoom conferences in between lines of cocaine. So, we’ve decided to re-brand effective immediately.
In completely unrelated news, some small-time Twitch streamer named Baela was offended that BNN published a story about her. She sent our leadership some private direct messages (DMs) but then proceeded to pull a Dylan Burns and leak them in her Discord. At one point, she took legal advice from one of her main SIMPS and threatened a cease and desist. BNN has never once leaked DMs but we are posting below the leaked messages that this Baela person so hatefully propagandized.

When will the Twitch political left take some time and think about the shameful behavior that the normalize on a daily basis?
-BNN Editorial Board
Imagine taking advice from a street shitter with a DOMO avatar LMAO
Like Pakistanis are any better?