TouringNews Disgusted By What Twitch Politics Has Become

It is no secret that BNN and TouringNews have not always been the best of friends. Loyal readers will remember that BNN ran a number of pieces that TouringNews was not happy about. TN was perhaps our first enemy, even predating Baela. Time heals all wounds and can change perspectives. When BNN first launched TouringNews was still attempting to improve politics through boring news streams. Today, TouringNews is actually out touching grass (and crops, flowers, maybe a woman or two).
The biggest problem with most politics streamers is that they are disconnected from reality. Squabbling over unimportant issues like age of consent and private slurs, streamers seem incapable of relating to normal folks. You will recall that Imreallyimportant once said that he didn’t know of a single actual Trump voter in his real life.
BNN is proud that TN is out in the world living his values, learning, and building skills that will allow him to thrive. His farming streams have been a pure delight, and at many times educational. It seems however that TN is interested in coming back to streaming and reforming the platform, as evidenced by his tweet below.

Touring is completely spot on. Twitch politics needs to change. Far too many low IQ shitposters are driving the narrative. Too many debate panels filled with people pontificating on issues they’ve only read the headlines about. Too many pedophile sympathizers. Stand with TouringNews and help reform Twitch politics today.
Wow, it’s great to see TouringNews turn a new leaf and partake in these agricultural endeavors. I truly hope that he comes back to improve Twitch politics.
Hello! Touring news visited our farm in beautiful Colorado! He was very interested in the goats we keep on our property, and even insisted on sleeping in the barn with them despite the fact that we offered him a bed inside our home.