How A Creepy Middle-Aged Man With Busted Teeth Is Bringing Panels Back To Twitchpol

Political panels were all the rage two years ago on Twitch. People simply couldn’t get enough. They brought together our favorite personalities and lolcows to duke it out on current events and drama. From the Rajj Royale to the Hippy Dippy, panels were front and center in Twitchpol. But almost every panel has come and gone. Panels brought us important topics like the N-word discourse, exposed thousands of morons, made us laugh, and made us cry. One man is working hard to bring them back.
Enter WhickTV, a man who looks like he could be the main villain of a Law & Order SVU episode. His unkempt appearance including a scraggly beard and his mainstay gray hoodie make him relatable to his audience of incels and creeps. He recently raised almost $3000 to replace his broken teeth (they were knocked out by a male prostitute Whick was trying to haggle down in Mexico). And yet, despite all of his flaws both physical and intellectual, his panels are taking off.

Whick’s panels smartly focus on the most retarded issues of the day to gin up the most autism and excitement. Recently he’s brought people together to explore great ideas such as “should you fuck your pets?” and “the ethics of deepfake porn.” His guest choices are also intentional. He always makes sure to invite one or two retards like Stardust to maximize the odds of getting good clips and funny moments. On tonight’s panel however, he went too far and had a minor on a panel debating AI porn.
BNN wishes Whick well on his journey to bring panels back to Twitchpol. Quite honestly, despite how old and stale panels became, if done correctly they can be amazing content. Watching Twitch panels is like going to midget boxing or tricking your friend into fucking a fatty, someone probably had some fun and laughs and that’s all we can expect out of life.