Political Terrorist Greta Thunberg Looks Suspiciously Like a Crossdressing Dylan Burns

What follows is a guest article written by one of the few discord moderators who hasn’t groomed a child, the infamous GrandadChristmas!
Autistic antisemite Greta Thunberg was photographed sporting a new disheveled look recently, leading many to draw similarities with fellow blockhead Dylan Burns. One commentator mistook the new photos for Burns several months into HRT. It is unclear if the visual similarities are the result of their shared activist lifestyle or if the two young democrat propagandists are somehow related. Rumors are swirling that the duo are genetic siblings conceived through IVF funded by George Soros to destabilize the West.

Burns, a bisexual who has never actually dated a man (though he got assfucked by The Syntheid), started his political career advising local progressive candidates on foreign policy before being kicked out of his house after a physical altercation with an elderly relative and framing a black streaming competitor for sexual harassment. He has since tried to fill the voids in his life via on the ground reporting of the Ukraine/Russia war. Thunberg gained fame as a radical environmental activist and now advocates for terminating Israel and genociding all jews.
That these two democratic activists have the same dysgenic square head and pudgy face has left many wondering whether there is a family connection or if being a leftist just makes you ugly.
Dylan Burns could not be reached for comment on Greta’s appearance or if he has made any videos sucking off/being sucked off by Destiny during their canvassing/swinging events and was victim to Destiny’s revenge porn treading Friday night on X and kiwifarms