Kyle Rittenhouse Found Not Guilty Of All Charges, Including Defending Himself Against Child Rapist

This afternoon a jury of his peers found Kyle Rittenhouse not guilty of all charges. The jury deliberated for over twenty-five hours across four days in an attempt to shield themselves from reprisals and criticisms since they all knew from the start that this was a sham trial. As Destiny correctly stated when the event initially happened, Kyle did absolutely nothing wrong.

Binger and Tubbo, the prosecutors, showed how poorly a trial can go when you are incompetent and the facts are not on your side. Many leftists who only absorb information from Twitch and Twitter still think that Kyle shot a black person. Even more think that the gun charge still should apply to Kyle while the Wisconsin statute says otherwise.

People argue that Kyle shouldn’t have been there in the first place. Ok, a girl that gets drunk at a frat party doesn’t deserve to be raped does she? Perhaps this is a poor argument given that the three people that Kyle shot that fateful night were sexual deviants and hardened criminals. Gaige Grossidiot, the “victim” who only lost his bicep muscle, perjured himself on the stand and single-handedly lost the case for the prosecution when he admitted that Kyle only shot him once Gaige pointed his own illegal pistol at Kyle.

Kyle haters are grasping at any and all straws possible. Including questioning the integrity and fairness of the Honorable Bruce Schroeder, Wisconsin’s longest serving judge who previously ran as a Democrat and was appointed to his current position by a Democrat. But I guess having Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless The USA” as your ringtone is a racist alt-right dog whistle. Patriotism is a dog whistle? A boomer makes a joke about the Asian lunch food and its some sort of conspiracy. Binger and Tubbo almost get a mistrial because they refused to respect Kyle’s constitutional 5th Amendment right, what a conspiracy.

Lefties and wackos who think that being white invalidates your claim to self-defense can cope. You are stupid. You don’t care about the law. Justice was served and Kyle is free. God bless and let’s hope that rioters don’t torch America this weekend.